Adam Gilbreath

It’s presently



Selected Works


          Tucson Section

          Once There Was and Once There Wasn’t...


          The Garden at the End of Time 
          White on White #6-8
          Untitled #4         


          Wash Monolith               


White on White #6-8 

The “White on White” series of models where conceptualized as abstracted urban landscapes defined solely by shadows and tensions. White on White #6-8 exist as compositions in relief, where shadows define the form itself. The 2D composition is created only by the shadows cast in 3D.

That is to say the intended design object, the 2D object, is only created when the shadow is cast onto the plane in three dimensions. We as three dimensional entities can see the entirety of this process in three dimensions, and have to imagine the 2D composition. I do feel visually this exercise was largely unsuccessful. However the thinking behind it remains relevant to my thoughts.

Specifically what a 3D object projected from a 4D one would look like, specifically in an architectural context. Is there a methodology of design in which construction, use, and decay all happen at the same time? The past, present, and future collapsed onto a singular moment of time. If our conception of aesthetics is as temporal as it seems, then naturally the next step would be to create an object that remains in a sort of temporal flux. That is constantly in change and movement.

White on White #6
White on White #7
White on White #8